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Arantxa Alcubierre Fotografía

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Contact person: Arantxa Alcubierre Fotografía
+34876012578 [email protected]
Service category: Events


I like to photograph life. I take photos because I want to be able to always remember those places I have been, the people with whom I share my life or moments of it, and above all, because my body asks me to. =) I do this for me, and I do it for you too.

If you leave me, I will be the photographer of an important moment in your lives, I will accompany you and capture every moment, every comment. I will capture the soul of each situation, that is my goal. I will offer my best because I know the value that these images have for you, and because of the responsibility of helping you create the album of memories of your life, but above all, I will give everything of me because you have trusted in my work and that to me. makes you feel immensely happy.

Can I tell you more about myself?

I like to travel and photograph everything, although I also stop and enjoy what I see without going crazy by clicking. I like to escape to the mountains whenever I can, walk and climb very high (one day I went up to the Everest base camp, yes, yes! I don't believe it either!). I like swimming, yoga, eating dark chocolate, and blowing candles. I like those weddings that are a party. I like people who know how to enjoy life, and smile with their eyes.

I don't like people who drain my energy, I can't sleep with the closet door open, and I can't go in the back seat of cars because I get dizzy.

I studied photography at the London College of Communication, where I worked as a photographer for five years. When I returned to Spain in 2011, I opened the studio, and I focused on doing wedding photography, and I'm doing it, sharing bits of life with you and capturing them forever.

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Contact person: Arantxa Alcubierre Fotografía
+34876012578 [email protected]
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