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Manuel Fijo - Fotógrafo de Bodas

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Contact person: Manuel Fijo - Fotógrafo de Bodas
+34616553841 [email protected]
Service category: Events


Hi, I'm Manuel Fijo, thank you for being interested in hearing from me.

I am an inveterate movie buff, to the point that it is my biggest hobby. I have been a lover of photography since I was a child, since I saw my father take pictures of me continuously. I have thousands of photos on photographic paper of my childhood, the trips we made, doing tricks at home, cycling, doing karate, playing soccer, dirty, clean, angry, smiling ... Seeing all these photos and the magical force they had to evoke memories, it was what made me fall in love with this profession. If we unite the two previous points, cinema and photography, what emerges is the instinct, technique and feeling of Manuel Fijo Photography.

Changing the subject, I suspect that you have come this far for your future wedding , because you have found me on social networks or through word of mouth. In any case, congratulations and get ready for everything that is coming, which is no small thing. It is told to you by someone who has been married once and has been present for almost a hundred more.

I want you to know that all the weddings that you can see on our website are by people like you , with the same or similar concerns. People who didn't want to pose because they don't like it or because it's not their style. So do not be afraid if you do not know how to pose, if you do not usually like it in photos, etc ... These are typical concerns of most couples who are going to get married.

In our photography we always seek to capture the people that we really are. The most important thing is that you are yourself, with your natural expression and your natural pose. Thanks to this simple rule you do not have to pose now or ever with us.

My priority is to empathize with my future clients, listen to them and see what they want, what result they are looking for in order to advise them on what is best for them.
It is very important to emphasize that the photos that we will take for you will last a lifetime and will gain in value as the years go by. Photography will make you relive those great moments , they will be the witness of that great day on which you got married. We will keep the most beautiful memories, funny expressions, kisses and all the tenderness of your loved ones

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Contact person: Manuel Fijo - Fotógrafo de Bodas
+34616553841 [email protected]
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