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Levantina de Seguridad Tarragona

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Contact person: Levantina de Seguridad Tarragona
+34977219195 [email protected]
Service category: Security


Our more than 1,000 guards on a daily basis as many services in: financial institutions, office buildings, industrial estates, commercial areas and leisure companies , etc. The Know How that we provide as a security company in the execution of the services we provide has positioned us as a leading brand in the market, achieving a perfect symbiosis between the human factor and the latest communication technology. The values ​​that make the difference of Levantina of security are not but those that the fruit of the time has contributed us: Method, efficiency and effectiveness.


All of our security guards have been specifically trained to carry out their duties in each service. In this way we offer an ad-hoc quality for our clients, whether they are: Urbanizations, Industrial Estates, Events of massive influx, official organizations or related to leisure and fun. Each type of service is studied by our inspectors to select the most appropriate staff profile for each service. Later, through constant work meetings, we apply the most appropriate security strategies for each situation.

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Contact person: Levantina de Seguridad Tarragona
+34977219195 [email protected]
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